Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Democracy Now! Report: BUSH Plans to Demolish 4,500 Public Housing
Republican Congressman Richard Baker
The Bush administration has given the Housing Authority of New Orleans the go ahead to demolish the city’s four largest public housing complexes. The Department of Housing and Urban Development approved the demolition of the 4,500 housing units on Friday. Democratic Seantor Mary Landrieu criticized the ruling but other lawmakers have endorsed such moves. Shortly after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Republican Congressman Richard Baker said: “We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn’t do it but God did.”
OBM: Remember .....most of these units were not flooded or damaged by the storm. The residents have been trying to get back into their homes since the storm ended. Fences have been used to prevent the residents from entering their homes allowing the apartments to go un-kept and with out maintenance or utilities. There is no honest reason for this to be happening. The so-called media has not and are not reporting this government & corporate theft. Someone please get a mesg. to Al Sharpton & Jesse we desperately need to march in New Orleans to shut this down.
Posted by
9:12 AM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Crooked Corporations, Katrina, Racism, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
School discipline tougher on African Americans
By Howard Witt
Tribune senior correspondent
September 25, 2007
In the average New Jersey public school, African-American students are almost 60 times as likely as white students to be expelled for serious disciplinary infractions.
In Minnesota, black students are suspended 6 times as often as whites.
In Iowa, blacks make up just 5 percent of the statewide public school enrollment but account for 22 percent of the students who get suspended.
Fifty years after federal troops escorted nine black students through the doors of an all-white high school in Little Rock, Ark., in a landmark school integration struggle, America's public schools remain as unequal as they have ever been when measured in terms of disciplinary sanctions such as suspensions and expulsions, according to little-noticed data collected by the U.S. Department of Education for the 2004-2005 school year.
In every state but Idaho, a Tribune analysis of the data shows, black students are being suspended in numbers greater than would be expected from their proportion of the student population. In 21 states—Illinois among them—that disproportionality is so pronounced that the percentage of black suspensions is more than double their percentage of the student body. And on average across the nation, black students are suspended and expelled at nearly three times the rate of white students.
No other ethnic group is disciplined at such a high rate, the federal data show. Hispanic students are suspended and expelled in almost direct proportion to their populations, while white and Asian students are disciplined far less.
Yet black students are no more likely to misbehave than other students from the same social and economic environments, research studies have found. Some impoverished black children grow up in troubled neighborhoods and come from broken families, leaving them less equipped to conform to behavioral expectations in school. While such socioeconomic factors contribute to the disproportionate discipline rates, researchers say that poverty alone cannot explain the disparities. "There simply isn't any support for the notion that, given the same set of circumstances, African-American kids act out to a greater degree than other kids," said Russell Skiba, a professor of educational psychology at Indiana University whose research focuses on race and discipline issues in public schools. "In fact, the data indicate that African-American students are punished more severely for the same offense, so clearly something else is going on. We can call it structural inequity or we can call it institutional racism."
Academic researchers have been quietly collecting evidence of such race-based disciplinary disparities for more than 25 years. Yet the phenomenon remains largely obscured from public view by the popular emphasis on "zero tolerance" crackdowns, which are supposed to deliver equally harsh punishments based on a student's infraction, not skin color.
That's not what the data say is happening. Yet the federal Education Department's Office of Civil Rights, which is charged with investigating allegations of discriminatory discipline policies in the nation's public schools, has opened just one such probe in the past three years. Officials declined requests to explain why.
There's more at stake than just a few bad marks in a student's school record. Studies show that a history of school suspensions or expulsions is a strong predictor of future trouble with the law—and the first step on what civil rights leaders have described as a "school-to-prison pipeline" for black youths, who represent 16 percent of U.S. adolescents but 38 percent of those incarcerated in youth prisons.
Relatively few school districts scattered across the country have begun to acknowledge the issue of racial disparities in discipline and tried to do something about it.
In Austin, after administrators discovered that black youths accounted for 14 percent of the school district's population but 37 percent of the students sent to punitive alternative schools, they introduced a program in some schools based on encouraging positive student behaviors rather than punishing negative ones.
At one school, Pickle Elementary, which serves mostly Hispanic and black students, the results were dramatic—disciplinary referrals dropped from 520 in 2001-2002 to just 20 last year.
"I am not going to give up on a child and suspend him or send him to an alternative school," said Julie Pryor, who was the principal of the school when the behavioral program was implemented and is now a district administrator. "Washing our hands of a child will never change his behavior, it just makes it worse. These are children. It's up to us to be creative to find ways to help them behave."
But academic experts say many more school administrators, when confronted with data showing disparate rates of discipline for minority students, react like officials in the small east Texas town of Paris and strenuously deny accusations of racial discrimination.
Paris is the sole school district in the nation currently under investigation by the federal Education Department to determine whether higher discipline rates for black students there constitute institutionalized discrimination. The probe has been under way for more than a year.
"The school district has been a leader and very progressive when it comes to race relations," Dennis Eichelbaum, the attorney for the Paris Independent School District, said in an interview earlier this year.
That perspective is not shared by the families of many of Paris' black students, who make up 40 percent of the school district's nearly 4,000 students.
"They say there's no racism here, but if you go inside a school and look in the room where they send the kids for detention, almost all the faces are black," said Brenda Cherry, a Paris civil rights activist who assembled some of the complaints that sparked the federal investigation. "Unless black people are just a bad race of people, something is wrong here."
Exactly why black students across the nation are suspended and expelled more frequently than children of other races is a question that continues to perplex sociologists.
Socioeconomic factors are certainly at play, researchers believe.
"Studies of school suspension have consistently documented disproportionality by socioeconomic status. Students who receive free school lunch are at increased risk for school suspension," according to "The Color of Discipline," a 2000 study by Skiba and other researchers in Indiana and Nebraska. Another study concluded that "students whose fathers did not have a full-time job were significantly more likely to be suspended than students whose fathers were employed full time."
But those studies and others have repeatedly found that racial factors are even more important.
"Poor home environment does carry over into the school environment," said Skiba, who is widely regarded as the nation's foremost authority on school discipline and race. "But middle-class and upper-class black students are also being disciplined more often than their white peers. Skin color in itself is a part of this function."
Some experts point to cultural miscommunications between black students and white teachers, who fill 83 percent of the nation's teaching ranks. In fact, the Tribune analysis found, some of the highest rates of racially disproportionate discipline are found in states with the lowest minority populations, where the disconnect between white teachers and black students is potentially the greatest.
"White teachers feel more threatened by boys of color," said Isela Gutierrez, a juvenile justice expert at the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, a watchdog and policy group. "They are viewed as disruptive. What might be their more assertive way of asking a question, for example, is viewed as popping off at the mouth."
Nor has the decline of court-ordered integration across the nation and the gradual resegregation of urban schools in recent decades made much difference in disciplinary rates. Even in urban schools where most of the students are black, black youths are still disciplined out of proportion to their population, the data show. In Washington, D.C., for example, black students are 84 percent of the public school population but 97 percent of the students who are suspended. Other researchers believe that zero-tolerance policies, which encourage teachers and administrators to crack down on even minor, non-violent misbehavior, are exacerbating racial disparities. Some states, such as Texas, are so zealous that they have criminalized many school infractions, saddling tens of thousands of students with misdemeanor criminal records for offenses such as swearing or disrupting class.
The school security climate, in turn, can reinforce race-based expectations about which students are most likely to require discipline.
"Most suburban schools, where the students are more likely to be white, purchase security equipment that is meant to protect children—for example, hand scanners that make sure that the parent/guardian picking up the child is legitimate," said Ronnie Casella, an expert on the criminalization of student behavior at Central Connecticut State University. "In contrast, urban schools choose equipment such as metal detectors and surveillance cameras that are meant to catch youths committing crimes."
The new behavioral program being tried in Austin, and some 6,500 schools nationwide, seeks to turn zero tolerance on its head in a bid to slash the number of suspensions, expulsions and other punishments meted out by teachers.
Called "Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports," the intensive regimen requires a commitment from an entire school, including training of students in the behaviors that are expected of them and re-education of teachers and administrators in the use of positive motivational techniques.
The interactions of individual teachers with their students are minutely scrutinized by a team of experts to pinpoint communication breakdowns, and specialized counseling teams are deployed to work with students who present the most serious discipline issues so that classroom teachers are not left to deal with the problems on their own.
"Most schools use a get-tough, punish-the-kids kind of perspective, which results in the kinds of racial disciplinary disparities we see across the country," said George Sugai, a professor of education at the University of Connecticut who helped create the positive behavioral program. "We come at it from the other perspective: If you teach kids the behaviors that are expected, you have a greater likelihood of success. It's really more about changing how adults interact with kids than it is about changing the kids."
Schools like Pickle Elementary in Austin that are using the positive behavioral program often report sharp reductions in their disciplinary referrals. But Skiba, who is currently studying the effectiveness of the program, cautions that it does not always eliminate racial disparities.
"They've been very successful at reducing rates of suspension and expulsion while making schools function more effectively," Skiba said of the schools using the program. "But if you look at the data by race, what you find is that some discrepancies still exist. It's not enough to put this program in place and say, 'We are happy to reduce our rates of suspension,' because what we might have done is reduce our white suspensions and increase our African-American suspensions. There's just no silver bullet for this problem."
Posted by
1:02 PM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Education, Racism, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms
Supermarket Secrets
OBM: While this documentary is focused on supermarkets in Britain I believe it is also a good parallel look at Supermarkets in the U.S. and provides a great amount of secrets about the industrial farming industry.
Part 1
Part 2
Posted by
12:46 PM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Crooked Corporations, Documentary, Evil Tech, Money, Real Criminals, video
Bush Trying to Hide a Pardon For Himself & Cronies
Posted by
8:55 AM
Labels: 9/11, Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, The Real Matrix, video
Monday, September 24, 2007
Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining (and profoundly moving) case for creating an education system that nurtures creativity, rather than ... all » undermining it. With ample anecdotes and witty asides, Robinson points out the many ways our schools fail to recognize -- much less cultivate -- the talents of many brilliant people. "We are educating people out of their creativity," Robinson says. The universality of his message is evidenced by its rampant popularity online. A typical review: "If you have not yet seen Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk, please stop whatever you're doing and watch it now." «
Posted by
3:06 PM
Labels: Documentary, Education, video
OBM Looking into the Future: Coming Soon: The Mother of All Genealogy Databases - Probably Google
Social networking services are connecting and sharing their databases, and the DNA-based genealogy services and projects are building up databases and sharing them with each other. Take a look at what's going on here:
Written records are being digitized so genealogy enthusiasts can find out about their family histories.
Web 2.0 technology, including social networking, is being employed to enable people to make family connections and document them online into massive, growing and shared databases.
Web sites that specialize in genealogy are letting users compile family histories, then connect them to other branches of their family trees. All this is being stored in searchable databases.
Various projects are mapping DNA and showing family connections and ancestry. This, too, is being placed into searchable databases.
Amazingly, all this has come about in just the past 10 years. So what will happen in the next 10?
OBM: Warn Your Entire Family to Stop Using & Not to Use These Service!!!!
Yes, such a database would enable you to do absolutely amazing things. For example:
- Enter your unique ID info and that of any other person, and the site would trace you both back to the most recent common shared ancestor.
- Follow a timeline that shows the locations and migrations of ancestors all leading up to the descendant that is you.
- Track down every living relative.
- Pick any year in history and see just how many of your ancestors were alive at the time.
- Genetic family relationships could be combined with social networking friendships or business relationships to render the most direct connection with anyone else ("Hey, you're the brother-in-law of my former boss's wife!").
- And many other cool tricks nobody can even think of right now.
OBM: But this has more Privacy, Government, Surveillance, Historical, and Biblical implications than you could shake a stick at. Please use your own software (powerpoint or others) to create your own family tree database AND KEEP IT FOR YOUR FAMILIES & YOUR EYES ONLY!!!!!
Read More......
Posted by
12:14 PM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Crooked Corporations, Evil Tech
Friday, September 21, 2007
H-1B video shocker: 'Our goal is clearly not to find a qualified ... U.S. worker'
In the video, a person identified as Lawrence Lebowitz, an attorney at Cohen & Grigsby, explains a method that can be used for hiring foreign workers under the U.S. government's Program Electronic Review Management process. PERM stipulates requirements for placing help wanted ads to fill job vacancies, with the intent of either hiring U.S. workers or showing that no qualified Americans are available.
OBM: Can you say Illegal employment....screwing american workers....gready companies and corporations. Huuuuummmmmm.....What should be done to the people, companies and corporations envolved in these practices???? Can anyone say jail....the real jail not the white collar jails they normally get put in. These crimes are worst than armed robbery of one person....they are robbing thousands!!!
Posted by
12:08 PM
Labels: Conspiracy, Crooked Corporations, Money, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, The Real Matrix, video
Teenager Allegedly Tasered Four Times by NYPD for Disorderly Conduct
By Melissa McEwan
Posted on September 19, 2007, Printed on September 21, 2007
This post, written by Melissa McEwan, originally appeared on ShakesvillE
this story of a black teen in NYC who was allegedly tasered four times, in addition to being hit with a nightstick and put in a choke hold. His father, a 20-year veteran of the NYPD, says that the cops used excessive force.
Retired Lt. Alexander Lombard said his son, Alexander Lombard 3rd, 17, was beaten by cops after they arrived at a "community sponsored" barbecue at 126th St. and Park Ave. last month.
"He's truly dismayed by the whole thing," Lombard said, standing next to his son in front of Police Headquarters in lower Manhattan. "He grew up with cops. He was raised to trust cops."
But Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne said in a statement that a police sergeant "employed a Taser against the suspect's ankle" to subdue him after responding to a large disturbance at about 3:30 a.m.
As you'll see in the video, however, Lombard appears to have burns and bruising on his torso and face. And this despite the fact that the only citation issued was a disorderly conduct charge.
"The mere fact that he was hit with a Taser four times," [Noel Leader, co-founder of the advocacy group 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care] said, "and there's no resisting arrest charge, no criminal possession of a weapons charge - it's evident to me that this incident did not justify use of a stun gun."
No kidding.
I certainly hope the rightwingers who are totally up in arms about the incident involving a white guy--and Senator Kerry standing idly by as he's tasered once--will next turn their attention to this story. As will the media, who, as PortlyDyke pointed out, also seem to be giving the UoF story a lot of attention--while the Lomabard story brings up exactly six results.
Posted by
10:17 AM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Evil Tech, Racism, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video
Woman Being Tasered Numerous Times by Warren Police Officer
It shows a woman being tasered numerous times by warren police officer Rich Kovach.
Who had been called to the Up The Creek Bar back on September 2nd, for a disturbance inside the night club, after being handcuffed.
The woman was placed in the back of Kovach's cruiser.
At one point she can been seen trying to kick out the window of the car and Kovach tasers her again.
Afterward the video shows the woman distraught and pleading for him to stop, but Kovach can be heard screaming at her.
Finally other officers arrive at the scene and Kovach removes the woman from his car.
As she is walking out of the frame, she is tasered again, the horrified expressions of onlookers can be seen on the tape.
Kovach in his report claims the woman fell after being tasered again.
This time falling to the ground and being knocked unconscious.
City officials saw the tape for the very first time with me this afternoon, and i spoke with them afterward.
Doug Franklin, Safety-Service Director says, "Yes, we placed him on administrative leave...terms of that."
Although this incident happened september second the only action police officials took was to reassign Kovach to other duties.
It was not until today, that Kovach was actually placed on leave, which happens to also be the day we asked for the tape.
Posted by
9:46 AM
Labels: Evil Tech, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video
Ron Paul Slams Bernanke For Dollar Meltdown
Ron Paul has slammed Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke for deliberately depreciating the value of the dollar to artificially bail out Wall Street while poor and middle class people lose their homes and have their living standards lowered.
During a Banking Committee hearing on Capitol Hill today, the Texas Congressman confronted Bernanke and accused the Fed of trying to solve the problem of inflation with more inflation by creating artificially low interest rates that have no effect because of the dollar's weakness.
Ron Paul identifies the true culprits of the planned economic implosion while the establishment media and the yuppies celebrate the hollow "solution" of an interest rate cut that has no substantive benefit and only increases the risk of another depression by sinking the dollar to historic lows and ensuring foreign holders of US debt run for the door at breakneck speed.
Posted by
9:31 AM
Labels: Conspiracy, Crooked Corporations, Money, Real Criminals, video
Wheelchair-Bound Woman Dies After Being Shocked With Taser 10 Times
Wed Sep 19, 9:38 AM ET
A Clay County woman's family said it's seeking justice after their loved one died shortly after being shocked 10 times with Taser guns during a confrontation with police.
The family of 56-year-old Emily Delafield said it would take the Green Cove Springs Police Department to court, according to a WJXT-TV report.
In April 2006, officers with the police department said they were called to a disturbance at a home in the 400 block of Harrison Street just before 5 p.m.
In a 911 call made to the Green Cove Springs, Delafield can be heard telling a dispatcher that she believed she was in danger:
Dispatcher: And what's the problem?
Delafield: My sister is waiting on my property.
Dispatcher: Your what?
Delafield: My sister (inaudible) is on my property trying to harm me.
Officers said they arrived to find Delafield in a wheelchair, armed with two knives and a hammer. Police said the woman was swinging the weapons at family members and police.
Within an hour of her call to 911, Delafield, a wheelchair-bound woman documented to have mental illness, was dead.
Family attorney Rick Alexander said Delafield's death could have been prevented and that there are four things that jump out at him about the case.
"One, she's in a wheelchair. Two, she's schizophrenic. Three, they're using a Taser on a person that's in a wheelchair, and then four is that they tasered her 10 times for a period of like two minutes," Alexander said.
According to a police report, one of the officers used her Taser gun nine times for a total of 160 seconds and the other officer discharged his Taser gun once for a total of no more than five seconds.
A medical examiner found Delafield died from hypertensive heart disease and cited the Taser gun shock as a contributing factor, the report said. On her death certificate, the medical examiner ruled Delafield's death a homicide.
The family said it plans to sue the Green Coves Springs Police Department now that it has all the reports regarding their loved one's death.
"We're going to try to compensate the estate and the family and try to get justice," Alexander said.
He said he believes the evidence weighs heavily in favor of Delafield's family and that justice will be served.
"I think that this evidence is going to show, along with some of the evidence we've collected outside of here, that there is no reason Emily Delafield should have died that day," Alexander said.
He said he plans to file a notice to sue sometime before the end of the year.
Posted by
9:20 AM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Evil Tech, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms
Should Police Taser an Autistic Teenager?????
The 15-year-old O.C. boy had run away from his parents and was dashing through traffic, authorities said.
By Jennifer Delson
September 19, 2007
Orange County sheriff's deputies on Tuesday defended their decision to use a stun gun on a 15-year-old autistic boy who ran away from his parents and later dashed into traffic.
Using the Taser in this case "was the right thing to do," said Jim Amormino, a sheriff's spokesman. "If that were your son, would you want him Tased or hit by a car? The deputy made the right decision. . . . It could have saved [the boy's] life."
But Doris Karras, mother of Taylor Karras, said deputies did not need to use the Taser gun, particularly since she had called various police agencies to alert them that her son was missing.
She said her son would have followed deputies' directions if he hadn't felt threatened. "This was a very aggressive response," she said. She said her son "didn't have any weapon on him. He didn't even have a pencil."
I can’t comment on this because it would be completely incriminating!!!!
Taylor fled during a visit to the Regional Center of Orange County in Westminster about 11:30 a.m. Monday. The family had gone there for counseling, which the boy did not want.
About nine hours later, his mother saw him about one block from their home -- 16 miles from the center -- on the ground and handcuffed by deputies.
Amormino said Tustin police called the Sheriff's Department after a pedestrian reported a suspicious person. Taylor was pushing a shopping cart down Newport Avenue near La Loma Drive, near his home in North Tustin. With no money, he apparently had walked home.
Doris Karras said her son, who is 5 feet 10 and has a beard, looks older than 15.
Amormino said Taylor yelled something when approached by a deputy, then ran across Newport Avenue, causing two cars to swerve. It was then that a deputy shot him with a Taser gun.
The deputy handcuffed the youth to keep him out of traffic, Amormino said.
Taser guns use compressed nitrogen to propel two darts that attach to the body. The darts are connected to the gun by a wire and deliver a 50,000-volt shock at five-second intervals to incapacitate a suspect.
Posted by
9:12 AM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Evil Tech, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Why was the Student Tasered at UF
In this full version see and here what the controlled media/government did not show you.
Posted by
9:25 AM
Labels: Begining of the End, Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Education, Evil Tech, Media Mind Control, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, The Real Matrix, video
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
In THE SHOCK DOCTRINE, Naomi Klein explodes the myth that the global free market triumphed democratically. Exposing the thinking, the money trail and the puppet strings behind the world-changing crises and wars of the last four decades, The Shock Doctrine is the gripping story of how America’s “free market” policies have come to dominate the world-- through the exploitation of disaster-shocked people and countries.
At the most chaotic juncture in Iraq’s civil war, a new law is unveiled that would allow Shell and BP to claim the country’s vast oil reserves…. Immediately following September 11, the Bush Administration quietly out-sources the running of the “War on Terror” to Halliburton and Blackwater…. After a tsunami wipes out the coasts of Southeast Asia, the pristine beaches are auctioned off to tourist resorts.... New Orleans’s residents, scattered from Hurricane Katrina, discover that their public housing, hospitals and schools will never be reopened…. These events are examples of “the shock doctrine”: using the public’s disorientation following massive collective shocks – wars, terrorist attacks, or natural disasters -- to achieve control by imposing economic shock therapy. Sometimes, when the first two shocks don’t succeed in wiping out resistance, a third shock is employed: the electrode in the prison cell or the Taser gun on the streets.
Posted by
8:57 AM
Labels: 9/11, Begining of the End, Conspiracy, Documentary, Money, Over Seas Watch, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, The Real Matrix, video, War
Monday, September 17, 2007
Get a Camera: Officer tantrum caught on tape
Brett Darrow used a car-mounted video camera to capture a confrontation with a police officer who pulled him over. Missouri • American Morning
Source: CNN
Added On September 12, 2007 (more)
Posted by
10:09 AM
Labels: Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video
Same-Sex Family Video Shown to 3rd Graders - Now Banned
A New Jersey school district bans a video after it was shown to 3rd grade kids that teaches about same-sex marriages and families.
Posted by
10:01 AM
Labels: Begining of the End, Education, Religion, Rights/Freedoms, video
Corporate Media Is Corporate America
These ten big media organizations are the main source of news for most Americans. Their corporate ties require us to continually scrutinize the quality
of their news for bias. Disney owns ABC so we wonder how the board of Disney reacts to negative news about their board of directors friends such
as Halliburton or Boeing.
Is it possible that theU.S. workforce receives only the corporate news private companies want them to hear? Do we collectively realize that working people
in theU.S. have longer hours, lower pay and fewer benefits than their
foreign counterparts? If these companies control the media, they control
the dissemination of news turning the First Amendment on its head by protecting
corporate interests over people.
Another trend we found was the connections to higher education around
the country. There are board members associated with USC (the Washington
Post), Columbia (Gannett), Georgetown (Disney), NYU (the Washington
Post), and Wharton (Knight-Ridder) to name a few. With the decreasing
state and federal funding to universities, will we see our higher learning
institutions tie themselves more to corporations than the government for their
funding? Will higher education become increasingly elite and consumeroriented?
Will the universities eventually focus education around the production
of workers or thinkers?
As the Roman Empire declined, Feudalism took the place of the government.
The feudal lord was one of the few sources of jobs in the fourth
and fifth centuries. These lords owned most of the land and resources. Today,
we replace feudalism with corporatism. The mass population has few choices
for their news, information and education. As corporate media applauds an
ownership society, we must realize who gets to own. In corporate-dominated
capitalism wealth concentration is the goal and the corporate media are the
Posted by
8:29 AM
Labels: Begining of the End, Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Crooked Corporations, Education, Media Mind Control, Real Criminals, The Real Matrix
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Mychal Bell conviction tossed
Jena 6 Update 9-15-2007. Mychal Bell conviction tossed. CNN does not give the full background of the case, or a full time line of the events that lead up to the fight. For the entire story go HERE
Posted by
9:14 AM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Education, Media Mind Control, Racism, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Real Time with Bill Maher 09/07/07 -- Part 4 of 5
Posted by
6:58 AM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Racism, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video
Mos Def Cornell West on Real Time
Posted by
6:31 AM
Labels: 9/11, Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Racism, Real Criminals, video
Friday, September 14, 2007
Ron Paul and Bill O'Reilly Duke It Out (09/10/07)
Posted by
10:10 AM
Labels: Media Mind Control, Over Seas Watch, video, War
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Privatization of New Orleans: Curtis Muhammad on Tycoons, Trump and Gulf Coast Oil
Curtis Muhammad is giving up on the United States
Part 1
Part 2
Posted by
12:21 AM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Crooked Corporations, Katrina, Media Mind Control, Money, Racism, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video
Fight to Reopen New Orleans Public Housing "Horrible Slow and Tragic"
Tracie Washington about the fight over housing in NO
Part 1
Part 2
Posted by
12:17 AM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Crooked Corporations, Katrina, Racism, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video
Friday, September 07, 2007
Police Brutality Alleged By Cameraman
A man videotaping an Orlando police officer making a stop is taken to the ground and handcuffed. Notice how the news repoter attempts to bias you at the end of the story by sugesting the Cop Watch group is causing trouble not helping.
Posted by
11:28 AM
Labels: Conspiracy, Media Mind Control, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video
The Continuing Saga of the Jena Six
See video on the right side of page - click play
Nooses are a prank? Can we say Jim Crow? Clearly, the MSM doesn't even know where to begin since this is such a clear display of racism. Granted there is an over generalization that racism happens more so in the South, even though racist shit happens everywhere, so perhaps we want to cover the story in a more balanced manner, thinking about the national state of race relations. However, it is pertinent that the use of a noose to intimidate a group of young black students is at the least horridly offensive, but more like, threatening and attempting to put some black kids in their place using an object that is both historically and geographically relevant.
Posted by
10:36 AM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Education, Media Mind Control, Racism, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Eminem - The Mosh Continues
Posted by
10:45 PM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video, War
Money As Debt
Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation of "Money as Debt" tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how it ... all » is being created. It is an entertaining way to get the message out. The Cowichan Citizens Coalition and its "Duncan Initiative" received high praise from those who previewed it. I recommend it as a painless but hard-hitting educational tool and encourage the widest distribution and use by all groups concerned with the present unsustainable monetary system in Canada and the United States. «
Posted by
9:55 AM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Education, Money, video
Sunday, September 02, 2007
The Danziger Bridge Killings: How New Orleans Police Gunned Down Civilians Fleeing the Flood
Download & watch - realplayer needed
Seven police officers been indicted for opening fire on two African American families on the Danziger Bridge days after the storm, killing two people and wounding four others. At the time, the official story was that they gunned down snipers. Now the question is why they shot at two families fleeing the flood.
Posted by
3:07 PM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Katrina, Racism, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video
Jailed in New Orleans Two Weeks Before Katrina, Fmr. Corrections Officer Held for Four Months Without Charge
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Roderick Dean, a former corrections officer, recounts his harrowing ordeal two years ago when he was arrested and jailed without charge on August 11, 2005 - two weeks before Hurricane Katrina. When the storm hit, Dean was in New Orleans Parish Prison where he narrowly escaped drowning after the jail flooded. He was never charged and released four months later.
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3:04 PM
Labels: Black Info.Breakdown., Conspiracy, Katrina, Racism, Real Criminals, Rights/Freedoms, video
The myriad of facts, conjecture, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information in the articles, stories and commentaries posted on this site range from cutting edge hard news and comment to extreme perspectives. I choose not to sweep uncomfortable material under the rug - where it can grow and fester. I choose not to censor uncomfortable logic. These things reflect the world as it now is - for better and worse. I present multiple facts, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information.
Journalism should be the profession of gathering and presenting a broad panorama of news about the events of our times and presenting it to readers for their own consideration. I believe in the intelligence, judgment and wisdom of my readers to discern for themselves among the data which appears on this site that which is valid and worthy...or otherwise